
Wild caught salmon has been referred to as a nutrient powerhouse because of the many health benefits it provides. Although farm raised salmon may be cheaper, it is not good for your health in that it is full of toxins.  The health benefits of wild caught salmon surely overpower the extra cost.

Wild Caught Salmon

  • Reduce the chance of stroke—Blood clots that develop in the brain or are carried to the brain from elsewhere cause strokes and serious disability. People who eat fish regularly are less likely to develop strokes.
  • Lower chance of having a first heart attack— People at high risk of having a heart attack may be less likely to develop one if they consume the omega 3s from fish on a regular basis. Omega 3s help the heart by slowing the development of atherosclerosis (clogged blood vessels) and improving heart function.
  • Improve “good” cholesterol or HDL levels— People who have higher levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol in their blood have a lower chance of heart failure. HDL helps remove cholesterol from the blood vessels where it can be harmful. Regularly eating fish or the omega 3s from them helps boost blood levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol.
  • Lower blood pressure—High blood pressure or hypertension increases the chance of heart disease and stroke, but can usually be well controlled by medications. High blood pressure is sneaky because it can develop without a person knowing it.Studies  show thatpeople who eat fish regularly consistently have slightly lower blood pressure than those who do not eat fish regularly. Achieving and keeping a healthy body weight is especially important for lowering blood pressure.
  • Lower chance of blood clots—We need some blood clotting to heal injuries, but if blood clots too readily, it can block a blood vessel in the heart or brain. When this happens, it can be fatal. The omega 3s from fish reduce the tendency to form blood clots and improve blood flow. Omega 3s also make red blood cells more flexible so that circulation through small blood vessels is improved.


Hibiscus tea

  • Hibiscus tea helps to lower the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol from the body, thereby helping to protect against heart diseases and protecting blood vessels from damage. The hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic properties of hibiscus tea can be beneficial for those who suffer from blood sugar disorders like diabetes.
  • Several studies have found that hibiscus tea may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  • In one study, 65 people with high blood pressure were given hibiscus tea or a placebo. After six weeks, those who drank hibiscus tea had a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure, compared to the placebo

(Word of caution)  While hibiscus tea may be a safe and natural way to help lower blood pressure,     it is not recommended for those taking hydrochlorothiazide, a type of diuretic used to treat high blood pressure, as it may interact with the drug

  • Hibiscus tea contains vitamins and minerals like flavonoids which have antidepressant properties. Consumption of hibiscus tea can help to calm down the nervous system, and it may reduce anxiety and depression by creating a relaxed sensation in the mind and body
  • Many people drink hibiscus tea to improve digestion. It regularizes both urination and bowel movements. Since it has diuretic properties, it is also used to treat constipation, which helps you lose weight and improve the health of your gastrointestinal system and avoid colorectal cancer.  Hibiscus tea is beneficial for losing weight.


  • Cinnamon has been shown to help lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body, often referred to as the bad cholesterol, while leaving the good cholesterol levels untouched. This makes it a fantastic all-natural remedy for high cholesterol levels.
  • Cinnamon has been shown to be effective cancer fighting foods, and there are many reasons for this, but the chief among them is cinnamon’s antibacterial property.
  • Because of cinnamon’s ability to lower cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation throughout the body, it can be used to help prevent heart disease.
  • Cinnamon May Help Improve Blood Glucose Levels in Type 2 Diabetes


  • Cloves have been used in many traditional remedies for several diseases. One such disease is diabetes. In patients suffering from diabetes, the amount of insulin produced by the body is not sufficient or insulin is not produced at all. Studies have revealed that extracts from cloves imitate insulin in certain ways and help in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • As well as containing several important vitamins and minerals, cloves are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that reduce oxidative stress, which can contribute to the development of chronic disease. Cloves also contain a compound called eugenol, which has been shown to act as a natural antioxidant.
  • Some research shows that the compounds found in cloves can help protect against cancer.
  • Research shows that the compounds found in cloves may help keep blood sugar under control.
  • Studies show that the beneficial compounds in cloves could help promote liver health.
  • Some research indicates that the compounds found in cloves could help treat stomach ulcers.


Coconut oil, Extra virgin unrefined coconut oil

  • Coconut oil contains healthy saturated fats. The saturated fats in coconut oil may increase “good” HDL cholesterol in your body, but also help convert the “bad” LDL cholesterol into a less harmful form.
  • Coconut oil may also improve other risk factors and therefore protect against heart disease.
  • Not all coconut oil is the same in order to enjoy the health benefits, then you must get organic, extra virgin unrefined coconut oil, coconut oil is safe for you to cook, sauté and stir fry.

Olive oil, Extra virgin olive oil
*FYI* – You should never cook, fry, or sauté with first cold, cold press, or expeller pressed extra virgin olive oil. If you do this, the good oil is denatured and can cause cancer if consumed.

Extra virgin olive oil

  • Boosts Metabolism -Olive oil boosts metabolism as a result aid with weight loss. the growth of good bone structure, and brain development. It is an excellent source of vitamin E, which is greatly beneficial for older people.
  • Prevents Inflammation-Olive oil is rich in phenols that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. As a result, use of olive oil helps inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and relieve inflammation. And overall good health.
  • Improves Digestion-Olive oil is known to aid in the digestive process. It is used as a medicinal oil to clean the digestive tract and improve bowel movements.
  • Delays aging, prevents gall stones, strengthens cell walls. It also increases the elasticity of arterial walls, protecting you against various heart conditions.
  • Reduces Risk of Cancer, especially breast and bowel cancer,it also prevents cancer with postmenopausal women, Lowers blood pressure


  • It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol.
  • Okra can help stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing its absorption from the intestines – Okra contains lots of dietary fiber and acts as a natural laxative which can help you to naturally get rid of constipation.  Okra’s fiber also feeds the gut’s beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and helps maintain the pH balance of your digestive tract.
  • Okra is rich in vitamin A and other antioxidants – the green pods contain beta-carotene, lutein and xanthine, which together with vitamin A help preserve good vision and keep your skin fresh and healthy. Okra has been connected to cataract prevention and is praised for preventing spots and pimples.
  • Due to the abundance of antioxidants and fiber, some also connect okra with cancer prevention, especially the prevention of colorectal cancer