Few special words sound as pleasant as their true meaning. Words like love, friendship, kindness, peace, joy, and hope. What about the word “wholeness”? What does it mean to you? Does it mean having a fat bank account, slim body, spotless face, fast-growing business, impressive cash flow, beautiful relationships, elevated social status…, or just peace of mind?

Certainly, regardless of your religious, social, racial, economic, and philosophical standpoint, you have your interpretation of the word “wholeness.” However, to further explore the concept of wholeness, let’s observe its fascinating dictionary meanings.

Wholeness is a state of forming a complete, perfect, and harmonious whole, a state of being unbroken and undamaged (Oxford Dictionary).

Likewise, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “Wholeness” is the quality, state, or condition of being healthy, sound, and fit in the body, without restriction, exception, weakness, or feebleness.

Biblical Meaning of the word “Wholeness.”

You see, the Old Testament was written in the Hebrew language, while the New Testament was written in Greek. In Hebrew, the word for “wholeness” is “shelemoot.” This word finds its root in the Hebrew word: “Shalem,” which means complete. You’ll notice it sounds quite similar to “shalom,” the Hebrew word for “peace.” Interestingly, in Hebrew, wholeness, and peace cannot be separated, as they go hand in hand. The two words can be used interchangeably.

On the other hand, in the New Testament, “olitota” is used to describe a state of totality and wholeness. It represents perfection, fullness, completeness, health, and wellness.

When you attain a state of “wholeness,” it implies that you have come to a place of spiritual, physical, mental , and emotional completeness without any lack or inadequacy.

If you take some time to think about the meaning of wholeness, you may become overwhelmed by the enormous requirements of a life that can be considered “whole.” The state may seem unattainable, too good to be true or even a delusional fantasy—yet, the message of this book is about reaching and remaining in this almost unbelievable state. What a glorious opportunity! It is a message that emphatically declares that wholeness is now, not after we die.

Just before you think wholeness is too big a deal…

Good news! You did not just evolve—you were created.  God created you! You need to realize that you were initially been fashioned as a perfect representation of “wholeness” in every sense of the word.

The Bible says God created man in His image—in the likeness of God (Gen. 1:26). Guess what? If you were made in the image of God, would that represent debility, feebleness, brokenness, fault, failure, disorder, or sickness? I’m sure your answer is a straight, “No!” When Adam and Eve were formed, they carried the seal and trademark of their maker: “Wholeness.”

“And God saw everything that He had made,

and behold, it was very good…”

Gen 1:31

Adam and Eve were perfect examples of wholeness as it relate to completeness, perfection, fullness,and harmony.